For more information, please visit our Support Center.
To Support you entirely, Hettich has numerous service programs available.
Parts and service are available beyond 10 years, even after a specific model has been discontinued.
Our service guarantees highest availability and maximum lifetime of your equipment.
Our measurements are made with calibrated instruments.
We ensure the quality of our processes with the ISO certifications ISO:9001 as well as ISO:13485 and strive to constantly improve ourselves.
For your convenience, select and download any manual you may need.
Clearance certificate for repairs, repair devices or return of rental devices, accessories and assemblies, returned devices and disposal of old devices.
Benchtop performance in a compact footprint
Powerful results at the micro level
Specialists in diversity
High performance, throughput and capacity
Automated cell washing centrifuge
Automatically safe and fast
Demanding laboratory tasks- Made easy
Experience our centrifuges virtually now